Directeur de recherche au CNRS / Professeur attaché Département de Philosophie de l'ENS


Areas of Research: Logic | Language | Epistemology | Cognitive Science

I am a Senior Researcher at CNRS, based at Institut Jean-Nicod in Paris and a Professor in the Philosophy Department of ENS.

In 2023, I am spending a research year at Monash University in the context of the project PLEXUS.

My research deals with logic, language, epistemology, and cognitive science. Much of my work concerns vagueness in language and in perception. I am particularly interested in the issue of concept representation, and in the relation between vagueness and perceptual ambiguity. In the area of logic, my interest has grown over the years for nonclassical logics, in particular for foundations and applications of trivalence (to vagueness, logical consequence, conditionals). At IJN I coordinate the team Concepts, Logic and Reasoning.

Ongoing projects

I am spending a sabbatical from teaching this year at Monash University in the context of the PLEXUS network (coordinated by Pablo Cobreros), concerned with substructural logics and metainferences. I am doing research with Lorenzo Rossi and Jan Sprenger on conditional logics and directing a handbook project with Lorenzo Rossi on three-valued logics (forthcoming with MIT Press).

I am leading two projects connected to the topic of vagueness. One is the project HYBRINFOX concerned with the measurement of informational quality in texts (with emphasis on vagueness detection and applications to infox) using natural language processing methods. This project is joint with IRISA (and the team LinkMedia), Mondeca and Airbus, and relies on the collaboration of Benjamin Icard. From 2019 to 2023 I have coordinated the ANR project AMBISENSE, an interdisciplinary project with Daniel Pressnitzer, Vincent de Gardelle and Jackson Graves, on access to perceptual ambiguity.

Past projects

With Eduardo Barrio, I have recently edited a special issue of the Journal of Philosophical Logic on Substructural Logics and Metainferences.

With John MacFarlane, I have coordinated a Berkeley-Paris program on probability and meaning (2020-2022). From 2019 to 2022, I have conducted at IJN a dual research and development project called DIEKB (Disinformation in Evolving Knowledge Bases). I have also been a member of the project PROBASEM (2019-2022), directed by my colleague Benjamin Spector, with emphasis on the probabilistic modeling of vagueness. From 2014 to 2018, with Benjamin Spector I co-directed the ANR program "Trivalence and Natural Language Meaning".

Between 2008 and 2011 I conducted an ANR funded project on the topic "Cognitive Origins of Vagueness". I am currently the Editor-in-Chief of the Review of Philosophy and Psychology (RPP), a peer -reviewed journal edited quarterly at Institut Jean-Nicod and published by Springer. In 2016 I was a Visiting Fellow of the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study.


egre_vaguelivre_vrinQu'est-ce que le Vague ? Chemins Philosophiques, Vrin, décembre 2018.

Recent and past events:

                                                      Vagueness and
      Language Use (cover picture)                                                                                                          RoPP (cover image)                                                             MITWPL60 (volume cover)